Comprehensive Speed Management Plan

Speeding was a contributing factor in 1 out of 6 crashes in San Diego (2018-2022)

Effective speed management is critical in supporting safe and convenient travel by everyone—whether they are in cars, walking, riding a bike, or using a mobility device. Speed has a substantial effect on the outcome of crashes as demonstrated in the graphic below.

In 2022, the State of California changed the laws and procedures to allow cities more flexibility in setting speed limits. Under the new law, cities can lower speed limits in certain conditions, such as where there are fatal or high numbers of crashes, places with high concentrations of people who walk and bike, and in areas with on-street commercial activity.

As part of this project, the City will identify streets that meet the State’s criteria for speed limit reductions.

How you can get involved:

Learn more about how the City is responding to setting speed limits in accordance with state law. As the We want your input as the City works to make streets safer and more comfortable for all modes. Get involved by:

  1. Learning more about the state law, Assembly Bill No. 43
  2. Signing up to receive project updates
  3. Completing the survey below to provide input
  4. Indicating where you’ve experienced speeding concerns on our Webmap.

We want to hear from you! We want your input as we review and adjust speed limits in compliance with state law.