Welcome to the Safe Streets for All San Diegans virtual open house! Here you can learn about the project and provide the City of San Diego with valuable input on how to make streets safer for everybody.
This project, funded by a Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) federal grant, is embarking on three distinct efforts to reduce traffic related injuries and deaths by lowering speeds and identifying safety projects in areas of acute need. Learn more and provide input by navigating to each of the break-out rooms below or visiting the FAQ.
Please be sure to answer the questions at the bottom of this page, as well the questions at the bottom of each of the booth pages.
This Open House includes additional pages for each of the three efforts. Visit each page to learn more and provide your input by answering a series of questions for each effort.
Additionally, you can provide feedback for each effort by identifying priority locations on our Webmap.
Tell us where you experience transportation challenges as we work to establish a program to help the City evaluate and identify quick-build safety projects on the high-injury network in historically disadvantaged communities.
Learn more about the process of developing a comprehensive speed management plan that complies with state law, reduces speed limits, and includes complementary tools such as education, outreach, and traffic calming.
Tell us how to best engage with you during the process as we identify a network of neighborhood streets where traffic calming initiatives can be applied to create safe community spaces and shared streets to connect people to everyday needs.